For each form type, individual data fields can be identified as “report relevant” in the eControl form manager. These data fields are then listed automatically in every daily report, provided that the respective data fields contain information.
This process can appear to be too inflexible, if particular data fields of an individual process need to be specifically incorporated into a Daily report.
From version 3.5.0 onwards, eControl offers – insofar as the user has the appropriate authorisation – the possibility of identifying additional data fields for an individual process as report relevant.
Blue status:Data field is not report relevant – can be applied by double clicking on the "orange" status.
Orange status:Data field is report relevant – can be restored by double clicking on the "blue" status.
Black status:Data field is predefined as report relevant.
After a user has double clicked on the description of a data field, this is classified as relevant for the purposes of the daily report.

In the example given above, the “person responsible” data field is not report relevant, whereas the “substance” data field receives the report relevant status by a double click.
In the dialogue data fields can simply additionally be identified as report relevant. If this classification has already essentially been made in the eControl form manager, it cannot be deselected by a user.
This identification affects the generation of daily reports and the daily reports compendium.

In the example given above, the data fields “substance”, “amount”, “process”, “ extent of damage” and “notification of extent of damage ” were also identified as report relevant in the event 15505.
The definition of additional report relevant data fields also affects the automatic Email alert function of the eControl notifier. In addition to certain essential data, these Email alerts encompass all report relevant fields. If an additional field is identified by the user as “report relevant” , the eControl notifier circulates the Email correspondingly.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the audit trail can verify at all times which user has appointed which data field as report relevant and when. |