Since 1971 the law on the protection of aircraft noise (FluLärmG) governs the protection of the community and neighbourhood from dangers, significant damage and significant stress due to aircraft noise, which is currently in force in the new publication dated 31.10.2007.
Nationwide 792 million Euros were spent on noise protection by German commercial airports from 1975 to 2012, according to the announcement by the German Airports Association, 542 million Euros of which was allotted to passive noise protection.
In the past two decades, Cologne Bonn Airport has carried out more than 20,000 projects for improving noise protection in residential areas affected by aircraft noise.
Within the framework of a noise protection project, Cologne Bonn Airport checked the requirements and technical possibilities for noise protection of the housing units affected, provided specifications for the structural noise protection measures, provided support for the implementation and subsequently the costs incurred were met by the airport.
In order to be able to support the citizens affected faster and more efficiently in the application for noise protection measures and in order to simplify the internal workflow management while taking the highest requirements of audit security into consideration, Cologne Bonn Airport has now introduced the eControl PSS software module.
In the course of the current data migration carried out, the application data and the processing progress were provided in digital form. In addition large amounts of data were delivered in the form of invoicing, payment and payee information.
Cologne Bonn Airport uses the graphic information system g.on aimPort GIS by the software manufacturer g.on experience GmbH from Munster/Westphalia, which provides cadastral data, sociocultural data and information on the location, shape, orientation and size of buildings in the area surrounding Cologne Bonn Airport.
In cooperation with g.on experience GmbH, the software products g.on aimPort GIS and PSS eControl software module were combined. The aimPort – cadastral data is consulted for applications and for checking the basis of claims – at the press of a button a building can now be visualised during the processing of a noise protection record in eControl on an appropriate map section.
In the course of the data migration, Arconda Systems AG carried out cleansing and validation of the database provided by the customer, thereby guaranteeing long-term usability of this database and facilitating cost analyses, cost forecasts and area analyses with maximum statistical significance.