8/29/2017 | New white paper: Wildlife Risk Assessment |
| As an addon to our Wildlife Management module, which already enabled court proof documentation of animal observations, cadaver findings and birdstrikes, our new Wildlife Risk Assessment module allows the processing of that recorded data beyond a general biotope management for a risk assessment according EASA ADR.OPS.B.020 and ICAO ASM Part III.
The underlying model is based on the work of David C. Paton and Dr. John Allan and has been further refined in close cooperation with the German Bird Strike Committee (DAVVL e.V.). Intelligent algorithms permit the interpretation of inaccurate bird strike data. In addition eControl provides an extensive ornithological database, which accounts for location specific and temporary factors. eControl uses well established risk management standards to calculate not just individual risks per species, but also cumulated risks and trend analysis. The eControl risk assessments have been validated, are reproducible and can be effortlessly performed at any time.
The white paper "Wildlife Risk Assessment" is now available as a download in our Documents section.
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7/19/2017 | New white paper: "Organisation and booking of Qualification events" |
| According to ICAO studies, training and qualification management was the element that was criticised most frequently in the audit of safety management systems, with 57%. Training and qualification management is a demanding task, which requires a lot of discipline. The operational implementation of training courses, the medium-term provision of qualified staff and long-term requirements for staff development must be assured.
With the eControl TQMS system, this task is achieved with no effect on income and in compliance with EU (Reg) 139/2014 ADR.OR.D.015(d), ICAO Annex 14, IATA AHM, national safety regulations, etc. The introduction of the eControl TQMS system replaces an old system operated with tabular records, file folders and a high level of organisational skill with an integrated software solution for all in-house and third-party companies’ employees.
There will be organisational changes for the trainers in the training department and the specialised departments in the procedure for the operational implementation of training courses, which we have described in the White Paper “Organisation and Booking of Qualification Events".
The white paper "Organisation and booking of Qualification events" is now available as a download in our Documents section.
This regulation-compliant operation of qualification management is based on a suitable training manual that structures and lays down training content and procedures. Before the system enters operation, data from tabular records, file folders, etc. should be transferred, to create the prerequisite for a system-supported monitoring of deadlines and for current proof of training.
Our consultants will be happy to support you in all tasks connected with the introduction of the software and the operation with their experience of multiple projects
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5/15/2017 | Updated Bird Control section |
| Our website´s section about the eControl Bird Control Module has been updated. It provides information about wildlife risk assessment, animal database, statistics, habitat management and more - visit eControl.aero/BirdControl.
A new whitepaper is coming soon. |
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3/20/2017 | New white paper „Read&Sign“ available |
| Our new white paper „Read&Sign“ describes, how a high qualification level in a company can be maintained considering frequently changes in requirements and therefore procedures. To match these challenges, eControl provides a Read&Sign system that supports the trainings department to ensure each qualified employee is verifiable trained on the latest process version or briefed about the latest changes.
The white paper „Read&Sign“ is now available as a download in our documents section.

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2/22/2017 | Change package “CS-ADR-DSN Issue 3“ (Annex to Decision 2016-027-R) is available now |
| An update of the Certification Specifications Issue 3 (Annex to Decision 2016-027-R) is now available for eControl.
The changes can be loaded into the eControl system by the customer or by the manufacturer to update the current requirements, including the Guidance Material (GM).
The change package contains a workflow control, which includes the continuity of compliance and the necessary change and evidence activities.
The process becomes transparent, controllable and the compliance work can be proven in a revision-proof manner.
The company’s change management is an integral part of the change concept and the evidence control.
Take a look at our white paper „Changemanagement for CS ADR-DSN Issue 3“ which is now available as a download in the documents section.

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