1/16/2013 | CGN introduces eControl SAP®-BAPI-interface |
| With the introduction of a customized SAP®-BAPI-interface the Cologne-Bonn-Airport has optimized its eControl damage report workflow. It is now possible to generate qualified SAP®-malfunction messages from within eControl, which contain not just the reported data regarding the reported resources, but also the documents attached to the incident itself. A background synchronization service ensures that the SAP® resource data within eControl is always up to date.

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5/8/2012 | Beiersdorf |
| Beiersdorf AG assigns to Arconda AG the functional expansion of the standard software eControl Life Science for the further integration of the worldwide implementation of product trials.

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4/19/2012 | Baden-Airpark |
| Baden Baden / Karlsruhe airport enforces some of Arconda AG's various routine checks and audit plans. Baden Airpark GmbH uses eControl aviation in the current expansion stage as shift report tool and safety management system.
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4/1/2012 | Köln Bonn Airport - Complaint Management |
| Cologne/Bonn Konrad Adenauer airport EDDK enforces Arconda AG's complaint management. The software tool guarantees the realisation of the latest requirements in the field of PRM (person with reduced mobility) and automates the detection and handling workflow throughout the company. A comprehensive report management system and the realisation of data protection requirements are a matter of course. The software module "complaints management" extends the functionality of eControl aviation, which is used at the Cologne/Bonn location as shift report tool in all operational units and for the support of different specialist departments (environmental management, claims processing, etc.)
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